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Remembrance Mass 2023


On Thursday 23rd November we gathered in St Sebastian's Church to remember all who have died, but especially those from our parishes during the last twelve months whose funerals took place within our church communities. Family members were invited to come along to join us in prayer, and asked to light a special candle, as the names of those whose funerals took place were read out. These candles will now be used on the Main Altars, so we can keep those who have died from our Parish Communities within our thoughts and prayers during Mass.

Please remember all whose funeral was held within our parishes between November 2022 and October 2023

Gerard Murphy, Margaret Crawford, William Gartland, Pauline Mary Robinson,

Patricia Carrington, Pamela Furse, Lilian Marshall, Graham Cloonan, Doreen Maher, 

Veronica Bimpson, Jean Ardrey, Mauren Bird, Terence John O’Mara, Margaret Ann Pringle, 

Arthur Calvert, Nora McDermott, Mary Agnes Keenan, Maurice Conboy, John Joseph King, 

David Killey, Jane Veronica Dealing, Alan John Rogers, Henry Montgomery, Richard James Wright,

Margaret Fox, Baby Sebastian Neary Cunningham, Jade Marie Murray, John Paul Williams,

Jane Elizabeth Kelly, Edmund Myles, Angela Collister, Anthony Robert Ennis, John Joseph Saunders,

Robert Shaw, Patricia Walsh, Mark Andrew Williams, Bridget Mary Robertson, Alan Blair Macdonald, 

James Cody, Patrick Kelly, Daniel Seasman, Peter Thomas Shannon, Vivian Johnson.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them

May they rest in peace. Amen.

May the souls of all the Faithful Departed,

through the mercy of God,

rest in peace. Amen.

Archdiocese of Liverpool

A charitable incorporated organisation (registered charity number 1199714).

Principal office

Liverpool Archdiocesan Office, St Margaret Clitherow Centre, Croxteth Drive, Liverpool, L17 1AA.

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